Monday, November 9, 2009

Round Up

There are only 11 days until the New Moon movie! SWOON!

I am so happy now - I just want to dance up and down.

I will have a full report of what I thought of the movie after I have seen it.

So far, there have been many clips released - my favourite has to be of the Volturi. I love Michael Sheen as Aro - perfection!

I love the fight between Edward and Felix - let's hope it's awesome-r in the movie!

Anyways, at the Peace. Love. Twilight! Blog, I received this honor of being the 200th follower! I have a nice write up as well!

"Well , I promised that whoever became our 200th follower would receive a little somethin'...and indeed we do now have an astounding 204 followers!

Our wonderful 200th follower is RedRose15, who in fact was part of our staff until her schedule forced her to leave us... booo :(
Well I miss her dearly, and in return for being our milestone follower (why weren't you following before?!) she gets this lovely--kinda--banner:"

Thanks a million, Anna!

Other than that, see you after the movie!


1 comment:

I would love to see what you guys think on what I think!